Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Days 1

We're at the end of the second day in London, but it really feels more like the end of the first.  I have a feeling these days are going to fly by!  We arrived yesterday (19 Dec) early in the morning and couldn't check into our flat we're staying at until 2 in the afternoon.  We came and dropped our bags off and then took a bus off to visit the sites in London...only we took the correct bus the wrong direction.  So we got a nice tour of the Dulwich Library (very similar to ours back home...not surprisingly) and then hopped on a bus to a tube station.  We headed to Picadilly Circus:

Where it promptly began raining.  Of course, we had forgotten our umbrellas (just left in our luggage! Not forgotten in CO), weren't wearing our rain coats, and were freezing.  So, what's a Schley to do but duck into a warm cafe for a nice latte:

Properly refreshed, we walked about the area around Piccadilly Circus (btw, Piccadilly is a reference to a Piccadill collar, which is the type that Shakespeare wore, and the Circus is just a reference to how busy it is.  There was no BigTop, like I was imagining).  After checking this area out, we headed back to the flat to unpack and take rinse the travel dirt off. The flat has no shower, just a bathtub.  At some point, someone added a showercurtain rack, but the ceiling is so low that even I can't actually stand to take a shower.  So, baths it will be!  We fell asleep very early, embarrassingly early.  Early than 7:30 early.  And we slept until 10:30 the next morning!  That took care of the jet-lag problem!  Our next day was just as eventful-only I just realized it's 11:30pm right now and time to go to sleep.  We will try to update this again tomorrow!

Just a brief overview of Day 2:
Tower of London
Jack the Ripper Tour
St. Paul's Cathedral

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